First HarshLab Day event was held in Armintza
Harshlab materials and components offshore laboratory is now approaching to its first anniversary out in the sea. Along with TECNALIA Offshore Renewable Energy, we organized a workshop in Armintza with some leading offshore companies, who shared their experience and...
HarshLab in Wind Europe Conference 2019 celebrated in Bilbao
HarshLab, TECNALIA Research & Innovation's offshore laboratory devoted to testing materials and components in real offshore environment, was highlighted as an example of Basque Government's commitment with offshore energies by Arantxa Tapia (Minister for Economic...
HARSH Project final meeting
Closure meeting of HARSH project was held yesterday in Armintza (Bizkaia, Spain). HARSH project was funded by Basque Government’s Hazitek programme and involved 11 Basque companies developing solutions for offshore environments. Among other activities, a final visit...
First heavy swell successfully overcame
Today we verified that HarshLab offshore laboratory successfully overcame the first heavy swell of the winter. Waves of more than 7m didn't damage neither lab structure nor components and materials under testing.